Thoughts I'm taking into the New Year... (2022 Here we go! )BijouJan 7, 20224 min readUpdated: Apr 26, 2022 Here we are into a fresh New Year! And I don't know about you but for me 2021 was a bit of a whirlwind. In all honestly I found it somewhat hard to differentiate between 2020 & 2021 because so much of the previous years problems seemed to sweep between them both. 2021 marks the end of my first full year living and studying in Cambridge, whilst also running this project. I think a key thing that I found was that I had a lot of alone time, which actually turned out to be a good thing! Because I carried out my undergrad at UCL I was relatively close to home and that constant close reach of comfort. But being in Cambridge and of course with all the restrictions, I wasn't able to go back and forth as easily or on a whim as much as before ( And of course the train is a bit pricier between Cambridge & Surrey so that always makes you think twice! 😊). 2021 was a time of being a bit further away from my immediate family and the majority of my close friends ( thought I'm super blessed to have one of my best friends also studying here shoutout to Tabs ), it allowed me a bit more clarity of thought and to start to really consider what my personal ambitions are, what are my boundaries and what things make me truly happy. So here in this months blog before I fully launch myself into all my new plans for 2022 ( which I'm so excited for btw !!!) I just wanted to reflect on some of the key lessons I've learnt form the previous year, to implement as I continue in my university and design journey and just throughout the aspects of my wider life.You never know, maybe some of my thoughts will help you too ❤️!This one maybe obvious to start, but a bit of self affirmation truly goes a long way! Something that I really valued this year was treating myself with the same love and respect I show to those close to me, to myself. Whether that's spending a day cooking my favourite meal just for myself, or spending extra time with some self care in the evenings I found just doing small things made a difference. Make sure you're pouring as much as you do into others, into yourself.You are Top tier, you are worth it and always invest into your own special value. This note is definitely an ode to my wonderful mother, who always reminds me to calm down, rethink and structure myself when I'm feeling overwhelmed. She taught me the importance of time planing, scheduling out all the things you want to do that day, and sticking to it. This is honestly the backbone of what enables me to able to manage my work for BijouCREATES and my Master degree. Sometimes I get swamped with work but I find this normally happens when I deviate from the plan. By breaking up a big project into bitesize pieces, it allows me to achieve effectively all the things I'm working on. This year try out having, a daily / weekly planner or simply writing out and ticking off a list of things to do. It helps! Believe me my mother is never wrong!This probably pertains to anyone who has a special ambition or just anything that you're passionate about and working on. I discovered that those who truly value and respect you, have through that, an extended value for whatever is important to you because you're important to them! Even is the subject of that thing isn't in their direct area of interest or within their knowledge.This was something that I found manifesting more last year as I became a lot more invested and working with this project ,from people that have now since drifted from my life. Dismissive or overlooking behaviour is just NOT something we're accepting in 2022. If you value me respect the importance of my art to me whatever that is and however it manifests.Point 4 somewhat calls back to ideas from my first point. I feel like I'm always trying to find that balance between the Ying-Yang / Angel and demon inside me. The need to be critical and self evaluative is a crucial skill, but that cannot be outweighed by the self soothing celebratory side within yourself. Especially as a designer I'm always seeking out constant improvement or to be the best within myself and my work. Though I believe having a strong work ethic and ambition is a good thing, don't let that over-shadow celebrating how far you've come. Check yourself but Don't wreck yourself I won't dwell on this one because I think it says it all. Don't get swept up in current hype of working 24/7! (what's with all that right now?) Remember what you're working for and why you do what you do, because if you burn out you won't be able to hustle either way!And finally, the saying that we've probably all rolled our eyes at (myself included!), but trust me it's the truth! Things always have a magic way of working themselves out! As an architecture student and avid maker I am the Queen of "its all going wrong" and throwing my hands up in frustration. I have found myself in some situations where I truly thought all was lost and that I would never recover. But looking back now I always think to myself, why were you freaking out?! You have to take life with the ups and down because somethings are just truly out of your control. Take a step back and remember where you are today is not where you will be tomorrow . 2022 lets see what you've got !x
Here we are into a fresh New Year! And I don't know about you but for me 2021 was a bit of a whirlwind. In all honestly I found it somewhat hard to differentiate between 2020 & 2021 because so much of the previous years problems seemed to sweep between them both. 2021 marks the end of my first full year living and studying in Cambridge, whilst also running this project. I think a key thing that I found was that I had a lot of alone time, which actually turned out to be a good thing! Because I carried out my undergrad at UCL I was relatively close to home and that constant close reach of comfort. But being in Cambridge and of course with all the restrictions, I wasn't able to go back and forth as easily or on a whim as much as before ( And of course the train is a bit pricier between Cambridge & Surrey so that always makes you think twice! 😊). 2021 was a time of being a bit further away from my immediate family and the majority of my close friends ( thought I'm super blessed to have one of my best friends also studying here shoutout to Tabs ), it allowed me a bit more clarity of thought and to start to really consider what my personal ambitions are, what are my boundaries and what things make me truly happy. So here in this months blog before I fully launch myself into all my new plans for 2022 ( which I'm so excited for btw !!!) I just wanted to reflect on some of the key lessons I've learnt form the previous year, to implement as I continue in my university and design journey and just throughout the aspects of my wider life.You never know, maybe some of my thoughts will help you too ❤️!This one maybe obvious to start, but a bit of self affirmation truly goes a long way! Something that I really valued this year was treating myself with the same love and respect I show to those close to me, to myself. Whether that's spending a day cooking my favourite meal just for myself, or spending extra time with some self care in the evenings I found just doing small things made a difference. Make sure you're pouring as much as you do into others, into yourself.You are Top tier, you are worth it and always invest into your own special value. This note is definitely an ode to my wonderful mother, who always reminds me to calm down, rethink and structure myself when I'm feeling overwhelmed. She taught me the importance of time planing, scheduling out all the things you want to do that day, and sticking to it. This is honestly the backbone of what enables me to able to manage my work for BijouCREATES and my Master degree. Sometimes I get swamped with work but I find this normally happens when I deviate from the plan. By breaking up a big project into bitesize pieces, it allows me to achieve effectively all the things I'm working on. This year try out having, a daily / weekly planner or simply writing out and ticking off a list of things to do. It helps! Believe me my mother is never wrong!This probably pertains to anyone who has a special ambition or just anything that you're passionate about and working on. I discovered that those who truly value and respect you, have through that, an extended value for whatever is important to you because you're important to them! Even is the subject of that thing isn't in their direct area of interest or within their knowledge.This was something that I found manifesting more last year as I became a lot more invested and working with this project ,from people that have now since drifted from my life. Dismissive or overlooking behaviour is just NOT something we're accepting in 2022. If you value me respect the importance of my art to me whatever that is and however it manifests.Point 4 somewhat calls back to ideas from my first point. I feel like I'm always trying to find that balance between the Ying-Yang / Angel and demon inside me. The need to be critical and self evaluative is a crucial skill, but that cannot be outweighed by the self soothing celebratory side within yourself. Especially as a designer I'm always seeking out constant improvement or to be the best within myself and my work. Though I believe having a strong work ethic and ambition is a good thing, don't let that over-shadow celebrating how far you've come. Check yourself but Don't wreck yourself I won't dwell on this one because I think it says it all. Don't get swept up in current hype of working 24/7! (what's with all that right now?) Remember what you're working for and why you do what you do, because if you burn out you won't be able to hustle either way!And finally, the saying that we've probably all rolled our eyes at (myself included!), but trust me it's the truth! Things always have a magic way of working themselves out! As an architecture student and avid maker I am the Queen of "its all going wrong" and throwing my hands up in frustration. I have found myself in some situations where I truly thought all was lost and that I would never recover. But looking back now I always think to myself, why were you freaking out?! You have to take life with the ups and down because somethings are just truly out of your control. Take a step back and remember where you are today is not where you will be tomorrow . 2022 lets see what you've got !x